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Dye Sublimation: Experimenting With Various Times

Dye Sublimation: Experimenting With Various Times
For different products you are sublimating or materials you are pressing, they require different times. This variation is due to differences in the equipment.

Mug presses have have different amps. The higher the amps, the hotter the press can get and the lower the amps, the lower the temperature can be set to. This will cause time variations based on the equipment you are using, causing variations in the color of the finalized product.

How to find the Correct Time Setting

We have a simple solution for finding your time based on your press. Here is How: 

From your digital imaging application, create four black boxes small enough to fit on one of the products in test. It is always recommended to purchase a couple of additional products for beta testing on your end. Using one of the additional products you would have purchased for testing, and various times, sublimate one box at a time allow a cooling period between each of the four transfers.

Cut out each box and transfer each separately using the different instructions within the individual boxes. At the end of the test you will have four black boxes on one product, and within those boxes, the different instructions you used for press times. After reviewing, determine the better of the four colors and make a note of which one provides the best result. Through this process of trial and error, you can find the right time settings. 

We also recommend keeping a notebook of any and all instructions so that you can revisit them for future pressings with that particular product.

This will save time and we all know time is money. Not to mention the bad product you will eliminate from your “wall of shame”. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach us at tech support team. We are here to help!

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