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Tips For Small Business Management

Sublimation is a relatively newer technique that has taken over the printing industry. For twenty seven, years Condé has been growing this industry and propelling artists by providing screen printers, engravers, photographers, embroiderers, transfer systems, imprint-able products, educational videos, and technical support needed for success. Here are a few of the top management practices that has helped us advance and can be applied to your small business as well.

Have Continuous Goals

Any organization lacking a strategic set of goals has a much higher chance of remaining stagnant. Also, your business is only as strong as its employees, so if they lack motivation and do not have goals within the company, they may not be the right fit. Give incentives to meet goals and keep your company growing. At Condé, we promote friendly competition between account managers and praise departments that are exceeding our expectations/goals.

Do not do this by creating unfavorable working environments with too much stress, but instead by reinforcing positivity with reward. Set moderate, attainable goals and reward your team for their accomplishments. Once objectives are achieved, continuously set more.

Acknowledge Weakness

Struggling to maintain control of subject matter that is outside your level of expertise can be damaging to your company. For example, if your weakness is being in front of a camera, outsourcing a social media professional or product specialist, such as Sprite here at our company, might be a better option. Acknowledge your weaknesses and provide an effective strategy to counteract your shortcomings. For instance, a SWOT analysis is a great place to begin for listing of your weaknesses and how to overcome them.

Thus, a major key to smooth operation without total control is delegating specific tasks to the right people. By needlessly struggling to do tasks outside of your expertise, you waste your own time and dwindle the resources of those more capable. Allocate your time where it is most beneficial so you and your team can be more effective, reduce overhead costs, and increase business/inventory turnover.

Organize and Discard

Organizing and discarding are not interchangeable terms. Organization includes keeping a tidy workspace to creating systematic processes. We know to keep our books organized so when needed, we can access information quickly. Proper organization keeps pertinent information accessible, goals at the company’s forefront, and measures in place to handle unanticipated events that may occur. How we organize our business is not nearly as important as following through with those implementations.

Decluttering, however, includes disposing of anything that is not serving you beneficially. Old files and paperwork taking up storage, printed phone lists that can be accessed digitally, and even employees who are not pulling following company objectives are all things that can be "decluttered". By decluttering your company, you allow room for growth and improvements.

Despite the phrase “natural born leader”, none of us are naturally born perfect leaders. Leadership roles take experience, consistent growth, and adaptability. Managers have the most demanding responsibilities, must be fair, consistent, and acknowledge that people are looking to them for guidance. However, with proper practices and diligence, a smooth, positive working environment can be established.

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